Although a smidge on the small side, as you can see in the Sarissa photo above, it is a simple but effective kit and comes at a reasonable price. The horizontal lines allow the card roof to bend but most Quonset huts have corrugated roofing with the ribs running vertically. Judging by photos I have found this roofing was layered so that in effect you do have horizontally running lines.
If I wasn't so anxious to get painting this unit, I could have glued Evergreen or Plastruct corrugated roofing in strips following the horizontal lines and it would have been much more realistic. In the end though I really wanted to try out some new brushes and high flow acrylics, so... here it is:
In other news... Trumpeter's Salute! The jungle and urban tables are all ready to get loaded into the pickup; I head out the door in about an hour and 15.
Great paint job.